Well, Summer is just flying by! I probably feel this way because I've been counting down the days until our vacation for so long! We are going to Disney. So excited!!
Allyson has her new princess dress and she is ready!
In the summer, we generally stay in a pool. But, we've only been able to swim just a couple times. Here we are at Aunty Shaun's a couple weeks ago. We can't wait to go again if all our schedules can just cooperate!

So, we made him a Snack Bouquet.
We shopped for all of Daddy's favorite snacks and arranged them with skewers in a "custom" mug. The idea came from Woman's World magazine. He LOVED it! He had been out of town and came home Saturday evening. We went ahead and gave it to him. I mean, where was I supposed to hide it? We had a frozen pizza for dinner when he came home. But, the whole time he ate, his eyes were on his snack bouquet. lol
We also made him an M&M hat cake. This cake was supposed to be easy, but underneath all the M&M's it is a disaster! This idea was also from Woman's World.

It's a very tasty cake, of course. The brim is refrigerated sugar cookie dough mixed with 1/3 C all-purpose flour. The cap is a white cake baked in a round bowl. Make sure you grease and flour the bowl well before you pour the batter in. This was my problem. Half the cake stuck to the bowl! 

Daddy had a wonderful Father's Day. I'm very sad that I didn't get a picture of Allyson and Daddy before church. We were in a rush because Daddy had grits, bacon, and fruit for breakfast. For lunch, he choses Indian lunch buffet and he spent the rest of the day sleepingoff his jet lag cuddled up with Allyson.
It's a very tasty cake, of course. The brim is refrigerated sugar cookie dough mixed with 1/3 C all-purpose flour. The cap is a white cake baked in a round bowl. Make sure you grease and flour the bowl well before you pour the batter in. This was my problem. Half the cake stuck to the bowl!
But, pretty much anything covered with M&M's is a winner!
Then, just frost with white icing and cover with plain M&M's in a pattern to your liking. Decorating with M&M's was very easy and makes me think I can do this again. Hmmmm...Decorating with icing for me is wayyyy too time consuming.
Daddy had a wonderful Father's Day. I'm very sad that I didn't get a picture of Allyson and Daddy before church. We were in a rush because Daddy had grits, bacon, and fruit for breakfast. For lunch, he choses Indian lunch buffet and he spent the rest of the day sleepingoff his jet lag cuddled up with Allyson.
Michael really is the best Daddy. God chose him for me and he chose Allyson for us. You couldn't find a father anywhere more in love with his child. Such a blessing!
I know Father's Day is a hard day for many without fathers. I'm very blessed to have a wonderful one myself. My prayers are with those without.
VBS is going on now. We have 2 more nights. Here are a couple of pictures of the singing in the auditorium. Yeah, they are really of just Allyson. But, you might see someone else you know. ;)
We had a wonderful Daddy's Day too. That cake looked too time consuming for me, too many tiny M&M's to place!
Well, I guess it did take a while. But, easier than decorating with frosting!
Allyson is so cute in her princess dress. It looks like you guys are having a good summer. I like the snack bouqet and hat cake. You are so creative!
So glad that Mike had such a great Father's Day. We had a great time going swimming. I can't wait until we can go again. And good job on the cake and bouquet.
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